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Jupyter Notebook Setup

About Jupyter Notebooks:

Installing and Opening Jupyter Notebook Instructions:

  1. Installing Anaconda (Python 3.7 Version) to your computer -
  2. Make sure that during installation you select the option:
    Add Anaconda to my PATH environment variable
  3. After installation is complete open up an Anaconda Prompt
  4. In the Anaconda Prompt type the command:
    conda install -c conda-forge minimalmodbus

    If HTTPS error occurs…
    Connect to the internet and re-run the previous command.

  5. When prompted to Proceed ([y]/n)?
    Respond: yes or y

    Press the ENTER key to submit
    This will install the necessary Modbus master library that is required by the attached notebook.

  6. In the Anaconda Prompt type the command:
    conda install plotly
  7. When prompted to Proceed ([y]/n)?

    Respond: yes or y

    Press the ENTER key to submit

    This will install the necessary plotting library that is required by the attached notebook.
  8. Open Anaconda Navigator
  9. Once Navigator is open, launch Jupyter Notebooks
  10. Upon launching Jupyter Notebooks, a web browser should open.
  11. Using the interface within the web browser, navigate to the directory/folder where you extracted and saved the notebook file (often in Downloads) and click on the notebook file: